Out 2 Lunch

About the Program

Out 2 Lunch is a program encouraging you to engage with your faculty members outside of class and over casual conversation, which maximizes the UA community. In partnership with Bama Dining, first-year students can use their meal plan towards taking a faculty member out to lunch at an on-campus Bama Dining facility, with the goal of increasing informal interaction and therefore improving your transition to The University of Alabama. Following the conversation, Bama Dining will credit first-year students the meal plan utilized.

The Out 2 Lunch Experience 

  1. Invite your faculty or staff member to lunch, coffee, etc. by sending an email, asking in person, or visiting office hours. If you need ideas for who to invite, check out the Go-To List below! 
  1. Choose an on-campus Bama Dining facility to enjoy a meal and engage in dialogue.  *Any off-campus dining facilities will not be refunded*
  1. As the student, you will utilize a guest meal or dining dollars (up to $16) to cover the faculty or staff member’s meal. Following the meal, you will complete a reimbursement form to be reimbursed for the faculty or staff member’s meal.
  1. Enjoy the conversation! If you need ideas for topics, consider asking about professional experiences, favorite part of work or academic studies, and advice for any situations being faced. 
  1. As the student, complete the reimbursement form.  
  1. If faculty or staff member has feedback of the experience, email fye@ua.edu
  1. Once the reimbursement is complete, Bama Dining will credit the student for the meal swipe or dining dollars (up to $16) used to cover the faculty or staff member’s meal at an on-campus Bama Dining facility only.  

Out 2 Lunch Go To Lists

Are you unsure of who to invite for Out 2 Lunch? Check out the list below for Faculty and Staff who have signed up indicating they are interested in supporting you on your college journey!

College of Arts & Sciences
Mrs. Kelli Ballkelli.ball@ua.eduAdministrative Assistant II, Alumni Affairs
Dr. Garrett Bridger Gilmorejgbridgergilmore@ua.eduInstructor, Gender and Race Studies
Mrs. Mary Bryanmhbryan@ua.eduSpeech-Language Pathologist, Clinical Educator-Dept. of Communicative Disorders
Dr. Ben Crawfordbcrawford@ua.eduInstructor, English Department
Ms. Patrice Crawfordpmcrawford1@ua.eduMicrobiology Lab Supervisor
Mrs. Jennifer Dempseyjdempsey@cba.ua.eduInstructor, STEM
Dr. Ellary Drapereadraper@ua.eduAssociate Professor of Music Therapy, School of Music
Dr. Allison Dziubaaadziuba@ua.eduAssistant Professor of English in the Composition, Rhetoric and English Studies Program
Ms. Amelia Gaitherawgaither@ua.eduInstructor, English Department
Miss Dalis Lampkinsdjlampkins@crimson.ua.eduTeaching Assistant for Political Science 
Ms. Jennifer Louie Trainumlouie001@ua.eduMusic Teacher, UA Community Music School
Miss Christina Phillipschristine.phillips@ua.eduRecruitment Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Aislinn Rileyaodonohoe@ua.eduAssistant Professor, Political Science
Dr. Briana Roysterroyst001@ua.eduAssistant Professor, Department of Gender and Race Studies
Dr. Gina StammGmstamm@ua.eduAssistant Professor of French
Dr. Matthew Valasikmavalasik@ua.eduCriminology & Criminal Justice

Culverhouse College of Business

Mr. Jeff Clarkjeff.clark@ua.eduAcademic Advisor, Culverhouse Student Services
Mrs. Elizabeth Jerniganpowel035@ua.eduInstructor, Marketing
College of Communication & Information Sciences
Dr. Adam Brooksadam.brooks@ua.eduAssociate Professor, Director of Public Speaking
Ms. Courtny Francoclfranco@crimson.ua.eduInstructor 
Mrs. Ashley Grammerashley.grammer@ua.eduDirector of Student Services
Mrs. Randi Hammrandi.hamm@ua.eduDirector for College Academic Programs
Miss Emily Montgomery epmontgomery@ua.eduAcademic Advisor
Miss Kay Norredknorred@ua.eduWVUA News Director
Mr. Jabaree Prewittjprewitt@ua.eduAnchor, WVUA 23
Dr. Matthew VanDykevandyke@apr.ua.eduAssociate Professor, Department of Advertising and Public Relations

College of Human Environmental Sciences

Dr. Maria Azradmazrad@ches.ua.eduAssistant Professor, Human Nutrition
Mrs. Michelle Darabarismcdarabaris@ches.ua.eduLab School Director, The Children's Program
Dr. Justin Goinsgoins006@ua.eduAssistant Professor
Dr. Jennifer Humberjhumber@ches.ua.eduAsst. Professor, Consumer Sciences
Dr. Steven McKinneysbmckinney@ua.eduAsst. Professor, Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design
Mr. Alvin Niuhaniuh@ches.ua.eduAsst. Professor and DPD Director
Dr. Rich Stebbinsrstebbins@ua.eduAssistant Professor, Consumer Sciences
College of Community Health Sciences

Dr. Mallory Scoginmascogin@ua.eduAssistant Professor, Dept. of OBGYN
Ms. Gennie Shelbygmshelby@ua.eduAdministrative Secretary at Brewer-Porch Children's Center
Ms. Keshia Whighamwhigh002@ua.eduProgram Coordinator, Family, Internal and Rural Medicine, Rural Programs
College of Education

Dr. Alison Hooperalhooper2@ua.eduAssoc. Professor of Early Childhood Education Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Amy Hutchisonachutchison1@ua.eduProfessor, Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Jeremy Reidjeremy.reid@ua.eduCrossingPoints
Ms. Whitney Wahlweeddy@ua.eduResearch Associate, College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Amy Williamsonamwilliamson@ua.eduCrossingPoints Program Coordinator and Collaborative Special Education Program Coordinator
College of Engineering

Mrs. Beth Davisbeth.davis@ua.eduAccountant II, CAPS
Dr. Alex Hainenahainen@ua.eduAssociate Professor, Civil Engineering
Dr. Kathy Morriskmorris@ua.eduSenior Instructor, Department of Computer Science
Mr. Rusty Pettusrdpettus@ua.eduDirector, Engineering Student Services
Mrs. Amy Ratliffaratliff@ua.eduDirector, Engineering Career Center
Mr. Ben Sigmonbcsigmon@ua.eduSoftware Scientist III, CAPS
Ms. Anna Claire Toxeyactoxey@ua.eduCoordinator of External Communication for College of Engineering 
Capstone College of Nursing
Mrs. Chelsey Pearcepearc011@ua.eduProgram Assistant

Graduate School

Ms. Deb Mamutidhwakefield@ua.eduInternational Credential Evaluator
Mrs. Patty Nelsonpnelson@law.ua.eduCoordinator for CLE Alabama
School of Law

Dr. Sebrena Jacksonmsjackson5@ua.eduAssociate Dean, Social Work
Amy McLeanahmclean@ua.eduInstructor, Distance Online Coordinator
Dr. Avani Shahshah009@sw.ua.eduAssociate Professor
Capstone Center for Student Success

Mrs. Leanne Carrolllmcarroll@ua.eduDirector, The Office for Undergraduate Research
Mr. Trey Dickeytadickey@ua.eduProgram Coordinator, First Year Experience
Mr. Quincy Hallddhall3@cba.ua.eduTutoring Manager, Learning Commons
Ms. Shannon Hubbardhubba032@ua.eduProgram Manager, Alabama REACH
Dr. Ben Parishbparish@ua.eduAcademic Program Coordinator, TRIO Student Support Services
Mrs. Chelsea Ratcliffceratcliff@ua.eduDirector, UA First
Miss Tori Samplesjisamples@ua.eduCoordinator, Student Academic Engagement and Advocacy
Ms. Jana Venablejgvenable1@ua.eduCoordinator, Office of Undergraduate Research
Finance & Operations

Mr. Colin Johnsoncijohnson@ua.eduInfo Systems Business Analyst, Finance Technology and Data Integrity
Dr. Rene Katsinasrpkatsinas@ua.eduDirector of Resident Services
Mr. Bonner Leeblee@fa.ua.eduLandscape Architect
Mrs. Jenny Pylejwpyle@ua.eduExecutive Director of Colleges and Schools, Office of Development
Ms. Rita Rodriguezrcrodriguez4@ua.eduEqual Opportunity Investigator, Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs
Dr. Melinda Wallacemwallace@ua.eduExecutive Director, Process Review & Financial Compliance
Miss Erin Watterwatt1@ua.eduAdvisor, Financial Aid
Division of Student Life

Dr. Kat Gillankrgillan@ua.eduAssociate Dean in the Office of the Dean of Students
Ms. Delana Harbisondkharbison@ua.eduCase Manager
Mrs. Laurie Rogerslaurie.rogers@ua.eduCareer Advisor
Dr. Elle Shaaban-MaganaLshaaban@ua.eduExecutive Director, Women and Gender Resource Center
Ms. Cokie Thompsoncfthompson@ua.eduAssistant Director, Blackburn Institute
Other UA Divisions & Resources

Mrs. Meagan Bennettmeaganbennett@ua.eduAssistant Vice President Strategic Communication Operations, Administra Strategic Communications
Ms. Laura Braddickldbraddick@ua.eduAssociate Director, Communications, Division of Strategic Communications
Miss BK Covingtonbk.covington@ua.eduMarketing Coordinator II, Marketing Dept., Division of Strategic Communications
Dr. Connar Franklincgfranklin1@ua.eduInstructor, Early College, OTIDE
Mrs. Morgan Johnsonmorgan.johnson@ua.eduMarketing Coordinator II, Marketing, Division of Strategic Communications
Ms. Laila Markerlaila.marker@ua.eduDatabase Administrator, OIT
Ms. Mary Kathryn Poemkpoe@ua.eduUA Online Program Manager, PD&EM
Mrs. Jessie Richardsonjmrichardson6@ua.eduUA Online Program Manager, OTIDE
Dr. Sarah Sahnsfsahn@ua.eduResearch and Instruction Librarian, Assistant Professor, UA Libraries
Mr. Nick Robergenhroberge@ua.eduGeospatial-Intelligence Analyst, Global Water Security Center
Ms. Deidre Stalnakerdeidre.stalnaker@ua.eduDirector of Communications, Communications, Division of Strategic Communications
Dr. Rachel Thompsonrsthompson2@ua.eduDirector, Center for Instructional Technology