Lucy's Legacy

Living Learning Community

Lucy’s Legacy

Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future

Lucy’s Legacy is an academic support program and living-learning community (LLC) for women interested in exploring the historical significance and experiences of women of color at The University of Alabama. This living-learning community is named in honor of Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster, the first African-American student to attend The University of Alabama. As a member of this academic community, you will be part of a group of first-year women who enroll in a shared academic course, benefit from peer mentoring and academic support resources, and form a peer group to share in their freshman year experience. Additionally, the Lucy’s Legacy community has a group of sophomore-senior level peer mentors to support the women in the community, as well as a resident advisor (RA) who was once a first-year Lucy’s Legacy student herself. Lucy’s Legacy is currently housed in John England Jr. Hall. Women interested in being a part of Lucy’s Legacy should complete the application that is linked in the section below.

Community Features & Requirements

Participants in this living-learning community will experience taking a common class, learning from a peer mentor and programming specific for them. 


Students must be a first-year woman who intends to live on campus for Fall 2024. Interested students will need to complete the application below. 


Click the button below to apply for the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Lucy’s Legacy community!

This application is only for incoming students admitted to UA for the Fall 2024 semester. 

Lucy’s Legacy Mentors 

Lucy’s Legacy Mentors are sophomore-senior women who are available to mentor participants in the Lucy’s Legacy Program.  Mentors connect participants to the UA student experience and facilitate activities within the community. They offer their personal insight into what it means to be a student at UA, live by the Capstone Creed, and serve as a role model for Lucy’s Legacy participants.