Camp 1831 FAQ

Please use this list for responses to Frequently Asked Questions about Camp 1831. For other questions, please contact UA First at or 205-348-8404.

About Camp 1831

When is Camp 1831?

Session 1: August 11-13, 2025

Session 2: August 14-16, 2025

Camp 1831 Days are generally 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for Day 1 and Day 2 followed by 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Day 3. Participation in the full schedule is a must for this ULTIMATE first year experience!

Who can attend Camp 1831?

Camp 1831 is designed for first-year students (Freshman and Transfer Students) admitted for summer or fall 2025.

Who from UA will be at Camp 1831?

Staff from UA First will be on site throughout each session. Additional faculty and staff will be on site as well. Students will be led by The A-Team, a group of upperclassman leaders.

If I am planning to participate in an early move-in activity (i.e. Sorority Recruitment, IFC Recruitment, Million Dollar Band, Honors Action, Outdoor Action, Biology Bootcamp, BRIDGE, etc.), can I attend Camp 1831 as well?

Traditionally, Camp 1831 conflicts with other early arrival opportunities preventing participation in multiple programs. Those participating in an early arrival activity must confirm dates with the specific program before registering for Camp 1831. Participants in Camp 1831 must participate in the full schedule on all 3 days (Session 1: August 11 – 13, Session 2: August 14 – 16). You may contact our office for any questions. Please note there are no refunds for the Camp 1831 fee once payment is made.

Cost & Payment

How much does Camp 1831 cost, and what is included?

The cost for Camp 1831 is $175 and includes meals, supplies, a Camp 1831 T-Shirt, and activities for participants during the three day program. Note there are no refunds once payment is made.

For students living on campus for Fall 2025, Camp 1831 offers early move-in during designated times for no additional cost. However, if you move-in early and do not participate in the full Camp 1831 Schedule, you will be charged a nightly, early move-in fee by Housing and Residential Communities.

What forms of payment are accepted

You can pay using e-check or credit card (American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover).

Are refunds for Camp 1831 available?

Camp 1831 fees are non-refundable. There will be no refunds once payment is made, even if a student cancels their registration.

Are scholarships available for Camp 1831?

There are a limited number of scholarships available to students with a demonstrated financial need. For information on scholarships, please visit the registration page or contact our office at 205-348-8404 or Please note the last day to apply for a scholarship is June 30, 2025 at Noon.


How to I register for Camp 1831?

The site can be accessed through the registration button on the Camp 1831 page. Registration will require you to log-in to myBama. Note that you must be registered for Bama Bound (new student orientation) to register for Camp 1831. Once registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email to your Crimson email account.

When does registration for Camp 1831 close?

Camp 1831 registration will close once sessions are full or Sunday, July 20, 2025. Spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

How do I review my registration?

Click the registration button on the Camp 1831 page. You will be required to login to myBama and your camp confirmation will appear.

Can I register more than one person for Camp 1831?

No. The registration system will only allow you to register yourself for Camp 1831. Please encourage your friends to register themselves using their myBama information.

What do I do if the information on my registration is incorrect?

If a change needs to be made to your auto-populated information, please make the appropriate changes on your myBama account. To make changes, visit and click on the Student Tab. From there, go to the Banner Self-Service section and click on Personal Information for change options.

If you need to change information pertaining to your camp session, please contact UA First at 205-348-8404 or

How do I change my Camp 1831 session?

Depending on availability, we can make changes to your session date. Any changes to sessions will need to be done by a staff member. Please contact UA First by email at and include your Name, CWID, and Session # Request. A confirmation email will be provided when a change is made.

Camp 1831 Sessions

What should I bring to Camp 1831?

A Daily Supply List is included on the participant information tab on the Camp 1831 page. This list includes recommended items to bring daily to Camp 1831 sessions.

Can I drive myself to Camp 1831?

Students who live on-campus will be able to walk to all Camp 1831 sessions. Students living off-campus will receive specific information regarding parking on campus. All students must check-in at their assigned small group location to begin the experience.

Where will I sleep?

You will sleep at your regular place of residence. For students living on-campus, you will be able to move-in early at your residence hall (except Bryant Hall) and will sleep in your room each night. For students living off campus, you will need to make accommodations for your living arrangements. If you are unsure of your options, please contact our office.

Can I have visitors at Camp 1831?

There will be no visitors allowed at Camp 1831. Camp 1831 is for registered students only.

Is there cell phone usage allowed at Camp 1831?

No. You are encouraged to not use your phone during camp. All cell phones will be put away during Camp 1831 activities.

In the case of emergency, how can someone attending a Camp 1831 session be contacted?

In case of emergency, contact UA First at 205-348-8404. They will be able to get any necessary messages to Camp 1831 staff.

Are there overnight accommodations for the night before each session?

The University of Alabama does not require and is not responsible for lodging prior to Camp 1831 sessions. However, if you are moving on campus for Fall 2025, you will be eligible for early move-in. Please indicate your intention to live on-campus for Fall 2025 when registering, and you will receive more information via email.

How do I make arrangements for dietary or medical accommodations?

We strive to provide the best experience for every student. If you require any dietary or medical accommodations, please contact UA First to make appropriate arrangements at 205-348-8404 or

Early Move-In

Is early move-in included with my Camp 1831 registration?

On-Campus: If you are living on-campus for Fall 2025, Camp 1831 offers early move-in at designated times for no additional cost. If you move-in early and do not attend the full Camp 1831 Schedule, you are be responsible for a nightly, early move-in fee charged by Housing and Residential Communities.

Please note that Bryant Hall will not be available for early move-in and students living in this building will be responsible for their own arrangements during Camp 1831.

Off-Campus: If you are living off-campus for Fall 2025, you are responsible for your own arrangements during Camp 1831.

If I am living on campus, when can I move-in for my Camp 1831 Session?

Camp 1831 offers early move in during designated times if you are living on campus except for Bryant Hall.

Camp 1831 Check-In

Where should I park my car while I am at Camp 1831?

If you live on-campus, you should park your car in your residential zone. For students who live off-campus, you will receive communication about parking to your Crimson Email. Please visit the Transportation Services site for information about parking and transportation on campus.

When should I arrive on campus for Camp 1831?

Arrive on campus in time to park and get to Check In. Check In is at 8:30 a.m. at the room location provided in your final details email on the first day of your camp session (August 11, 2025, and August 14, 2025). You will receive the finals details email prior to the start of your Camp 1831 session.

Will I need to bring anything with me to Check In for Camp 1831?

Have your mobile Action Card ready to Check In on the first day of your camp session. A Daily Supply List is available on the Participant Information page with additional suggested items to bring.

What happens if I do not check-in for my Camp 1831 Session or choose to discontinue participation during Camp 1831?

Any students who arrive late or miss Check-In need to contact UA First at 205-348-8404 immediately. No refunds will be issued.

If you are living on campus for Fall 2025 and move-in early but do not participate in Camp 1831, you are responsible for a nightly, early move-in fee charged by Housing and Residential Communities.