The BRIDGE Experience

BRIDGE is a four-year academic support program that is designed to immerse students into campus life at UA from their first year, to graduation, and beyond. The Experience begins with a weeklong kickoff event for first-year BRIDGE men, and then the students continue to engage with the academic community throughout their entire undergraduate experience.

Year 1 | Build Your Academic Home at UA 

First-year BRIDGE participants are introduced to on-campus resources (academic, social, financial, and human) that will help them build a strong foundation of support. The primary goal of year one is to encourage and support first-year students as they “build their home” at UA through the August Kickoff, small group meetings with the BRIDGE Builders, weekly study hall engagement, academic coaching & tutoring, shared academic courses, monthly social events, intramural sports teams, one-on-one meetings with BRIDGE program staff, introduction and involvement in student organizations, as well as a spring retreat focused on reflection and preparation for their second year at UA. 

Year 2 | Explore Major & Career Pathways and Establish Your Network 

Students in their second year in BRIDGE extend their network beyond UA by meeting career mentors who help them shape their future career plan(s). This year serves as an introduction to career pathway development. Each fall semester, a group of year two program participants travel to a nearby city to meet with industry leaders and UA alumni. During the industry trip, the participants have the opportunity to tour office facilities, ask questions about what it means to be a working professional, learn about internship opportunities, and engage with UA alumni who live and work in the industry trip city. In addition to career mentors and an industry trip, an emphasis is placed on engaging in events already happening on campus through the UA Career Center and through career preparedness opportunities in the academic colleges. 

Year 3 | Lead and Engage at UA and in the Community 

The primary focus of year three is connecting BRIDGE men to highly visible and selective campus/community leadership (personnel and involvement opportunities), as well as participating in civic engagement in the Tuscaloosa and surrounding communities. The meetings and events in the third year focus on developing leadership identity and skills as students get ready to enter the workforce or graduate education. Additionally, there is an emphasis on ways to get involved in their community and find ways to make a difference in civic issues about which they are passionate. Each spring semester, a group of Year 3 program participants travel to a nearby city to learn about civic issues in the area and understand how they can contribute to their local community. During the trip, the participants also visit industry leaders and UA alumni in the area.   

Year 4 | Launch Into Your Future; Create Your Legacy  

The final year of the BRIDGE Experience prepares participants for their post-college life, whether they intend to enter the workforce, military, or graduate education. During the fall semester of their final year, the students meet one-on-one with the BRIDGE Program Director to discuss the final leg of their undergraduate career, as well as talk about tangible resources that are needed to get to the next step (e.g., recommendation letters, graduate test preparation, mock interviews).

BRIDGE Living Learning Community 

BRIDGE and Housing and Residential Communities have partnered to offer a living space for first-year BRIDGE participants to continue building community beyond the weeklong August Kickoff event. The BRIDGE living-learning community (LLC) is housed in John England Jr. Hall. Living in the England Hall BRIDGE community is optional, but it is highly encouraged. 

The living-learning community features include: 

  • A Resident Assistant (an upper-level BRIDGE student) 
  • Monthly events held in the residence hall and the University of Alabama Student Center 
  • A shared academic course, “Intro to African-American Studies” 
  • A UA faculty or staff mentor 
  • An upperclassman mentor in participant’s academic major or with shared interests 

More information about the 2024-2025 BRIDGE living-learning community will be available in early Spring 2025.