Give to BRIDGE

The Office of Student Academic Engagement & Advocacy currently engages BRIDGE students through one-on-one peer and professional staff mentoring, a living-learning community, program-specific academic courses, study hall sessions with program-specific tutors and academic coaches, one-on-one customized academic planning on the academic transition to college, individual mentoring by UA faculty & staff, industry visits, social events/programming, intentional connection to student organizations and programs of interest, and on- and off- campus student leadership opportunities. The Office of Student Academic Engagement & Advocacy would like to continue to serve students in meaningful and transformative ways.

With your monetary support, our staff can continue to serve students through scholarships, experiential learning opportunities (e.g. undergraduate research travel, service-learning experiences, stipends for internship and cooperative education placements), and programs and initiatives that will supplemental the students’ in-classroom learning (e.g. weekly study hall, industry visits to nearby cities). We appreciate your support of our community.