Crimson EDGE FAQ

Welcome to the FAQ page for the Crimson EDGE program! Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about our initiative designed to support and empower students through academic and personal development. Whether you’re curious about program benefits, application procedures or participant responsibilities, this page aims to provide the information you need to understand and engage with Crimson EDGE.

Prospective Student FAQs
  • What does Crimson EDGE mean? 
    • Crimson EDGE is a network of support designed to guide new freshmen during their first year at UA. Students have direct access to academic advisors, academic coaching, tutoring, and other academic support in the Capstone Center for Student Success, as well as access to community and social opportunities through a campus-wide network of support. 
  • What does EDGE stand for? 
    • EDucation Guarantees Excellence! 
  • Will being an EDGE student delay my graduation?
    • Participation in Crimson EDGE WILL NOT delay your graduation.
  • Do I have to take different classes as an EDGE student?
    • No, the classes that you will be taking during your first year at UA will be in accordance with your chosen major and core requirements. Crimson EDGE students will be asked to enroll in a freshman compass course that is dependent upon your chosen program and major. These compass courses are designed to introduce students to higher education, resources and activities of The University of Alabama, guide and transition to a large comprehensive research university and develop the skills necessary for degree attainment. 
  • Can I pick my own classes?
    • At Bama Bound, you will meet with your designated EDGE academic advisor, and they will have already prepared a list of recommended classes for you, based on your major.  It is up to you (the student) to choose classes that fit your interests within the parameters of your major, and to select the days and times. If you have AP scores and/or dual enrollment credit, please let your advisor know as soon as possible. 
  • Is taking the Math Placement test necessary? 
    • Yes! The Math Placement Exam (found on MyBama under the Admission/Scholarships tab) is incredibly helpful in indicating which math class you should be placed in. It could possibly place you higher than standardized test scores placed you, thereby saving you money and time! 
  • Will I have to come to a separate Bama Bound?
    • No, all Bama Bound sessions are open to EDGE students. During the two-day orientation, you will be with all other students, and then break up for advising (i.e. “college visits”). 
  • Do I get a separate advisor as an EDGE student?
    • Yes, as an EDGE student you receive individualized attention from highly trained academic advising staff during your first year. At the end of your first year, you will transition to your academic college and the advising staff in that college. You will have opportunities to meet and discuss your schedule with the new advising staff during the spring semester of your first year. 
  • Can I still participate in fraternity and sorority life as an EDGE student? 
    • Yes, being an EDGE student will not prevent you from participating in fraternity and sorority life. 
  • What else is there to do on campus besides fraternity and sorority life? 
    • There are nearly 600 student organizations on campus where students can find their home! Visit The Source to explore UA’s vast student organizations.
  • What is the bus system like? 
    • The Crimson Ride regularly runs throughout campus from residential halls to classroom buildings. Routes can be found here
  • Where can I get my testing accommodations transferred?
    • If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations, please visit to register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). If you have questions regarding accommodations, please call ODS 205-348-4285. 
Current Student FAQs
  • Where can I take CLEP tests? 
    • CLEP exams are available for students to take through Testing Services and the Office of Disability Services at an additional cost. Please visit this website for more information. 
  • What tutoring services are available? 
    • The Learning Commons at The Capstone Center for Student Success offers tutoring, academic coaching and workshops. Explore resources here.  
  • Why is there a Student Success Center hold on my account? 
    • Students have a “hold” placed on their record so that they cannot change their academic schedule or major/minor without first consulting with an advisor. The “hold” ensures students follow major/minor and university requirements and thus are not unnecessarily impeding progress toward graduation. This hold is removed at the end of the first year. 
  • Since I am an EDGE student, am I only allowed to pick certain majors? 
    • No, all majors and minors are open to EDGE students.
  • Can I take summer classes at a local community college as an EDGE student? 
    • Yes; however, we strongly encourage you to speak with your advisor before doing so to ensure that the class(es) will transfer back to UA. 
Parent FAQs
  • As a parent of an EDGE student, how can I best support my student? 

General advice is to understand that your student is facing new challenges socially, higher expectations academically, and learning how to function in a new environment without the comfort of family and home that they may be used to. Listen to your student, be empathetic to the student’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but also continue to encourage and support your student. Remember that the student is an adult and needs to learn how to problem solve. Guide your student through the problem-solving process without making decisions for the student. Be interested in the student’s college experience but give them space as well.